We are about feeling healthier... plain and simple. This course will allow you the freedom to workout when you want, from the comfort of your own home using only your bodyweight. No equipment needed. Making fitness accessible, affordable and fun.

Hi, I’m Amanda

Welcome, glad to stopped by.

if you want to feel, stronger, fitter and more confident you've come to the right place. I provide training courses that are simple to follow, effective and efficient without ever having to step foot in the gym. Exercise from the comfort of your own home with expert guidance along the way.

I'm NOT about fad workouts or fad diets. I believe in balance through all aspects of life. Exercise should build you up and make you feel energised, not break you down.

Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do and fitness comes in many different forms.

If you want to start working on the best version of yourself, enrol now! Each class is tailored to every fitness level with instructional videos to ensure that you are doing each exercise properly. Join in now and let's have some fun along the way.